Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Ploughshares Spring edition is out

If you subscribe to Ploughshares or buy it from your bookstore or borrow it from a library, the spring 2015 edition is out and in the back with the advertisements, is an ad for "In The Murmuring Trees."

   This ad was designed by Alexandra Artiano, and seeing the beautiful job she'd done with it was the main reason I'd hired her for "In Season's Dream," when I ran into a problem with the publisher over the proposed cover. I can not recommend her enough, she does beautiful work.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

On Edgar

Here is a review by R.:

Over a few hours from five at night till half past one in the morning,  I read Edgar Allan Poe,  the fever called living. It chronicles his chaotic life and good fortune.  His deep love of his wife Virginia clemm to his falling apart at her demise. A heartrending journey, a climb out of his boozy destruction to sobriety and engagement.  And the weird circumstances of his bizarre death. As well the odd events that occurred after his death, and reunion of the family post mortem. All in all any Poe fan should read this book.